Emergency Preparedness

In December, we gave an Emergency Preparedness Class to 35 individuals in Smithtown. 

In January, the Friedberg JCC in Oceanside joined us in hosting Emergency Preparedness to 20 individuals in Nassau. 

This was made possible through a generous Walmart Community Grant. 

What is Emergency Preparedness Training?

The training assists individuals that are self-determined and living in their community in developing a plan for staying safe. In light of what many of us experienced as a result of Super Storm Sandy, it has become evident that many of us were not fully prepared for being evacuated or to live without electricity or cell phone communication. Many were traumatized because of so many changes to their everyday life. The Emergency Preparedness Training/Workshops are comprehensive and based on California’s “Feeling Safe, Being Safe” program. The program is appropriate for all self-determined individuals, their families and the people who support them. Instruction about important procedures and protocols for  before, during and after a disaster will be presented. Participants leave with an Emergency kit and many great resources to continue this emergency preparation with their Circle of Support. 

What are Self-Directed individuals saying about this class?

    "I wanted to let you know that I liked the Emergency Preparedness class because it gave informative information.  It gave the disabled community a chance to get an emergency kit, especially if they didn't have one. I learned a lot from this class.  I learned what information to give when calling the police. I also learned not to stand under trees and windows during lightning and thunder storms.  I also feel more prepared with my kit especially now that I live alone. I think that everyone should have a kit and that you should have more of these classes.  Maybe one can teach CPR? Thank you very much". - E.R.